Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can You Spot The Difference On Kim Kardashian's Bootylicious Butt Then And Now?

She keeps denying that she had no butt implants but can you guys spot the difference here? The photo on the left was in 2014, while photo on the right was in 2006...


Assums said...

Is so obvious ........she sure did something to that ass of hers..

Anonymous said...

She could have done a lot of squatting excerise or lunges for her booty to be plump...but when you do a lot of squats and lunges, the legs get toner, muscular. Unfortunately her legs are not as muscular or super toned. Therefore, yes, she has had work done.

Anonymous said...

She could have done a lot of squatting excerise or lunges for her booty to be plump...but when you do a lot of squats and lunges, the legs get toner, muscular. Unfortunately her legs are not as muscular or super toned. Therefore, yes, she has had work done.