Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How The Position You Sleep In With Your Partner Reveals The Strength Of The Relationship

Are you someone who likes to cuddle up against your partner at night? Or do you tend to wake on the other side of the bed, facing the wall?. New research shows that the position in which we sleep is highly revealing about the strength of our relationships.

 Partners who sleep less than an inch apart are far more likely to be happy together than those maintaining a gap wider than 30 inches, the researchers found. And couples who spend the night making physical contact are happier than those who do not touch.

Couples who lie curled up in the ‘full foetal’ position are likely to be indecisive, anxious and sensitive to criticism. Those who sleep in a ‘semi-foetal’ position, with their knees drawn up, are conciliatory, amenable to compromise, and unlikely to take extreme stances, he said.

People who sleep in the ‘royal’ position – flat on their back – tend to be confident, open, expansive, and sensation-seeking. And those who lie ‘prone’ on their face show a tendency for rigidity and perfectionism.

who fall asleep touching, couples tend to be happier if they are face-to-face than if they ‘spoon’ their partners, facing the same direction, or if they face in opposite directions.

Of those who do not touch, the largest number of happy couples face the same direction – above those who sleep back to back or facing each other.

All these researchers and their logistics,how about our grand parents who slept on separate beds but still lasted together.

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