Friday, April 25, 2014

Chinese Grandmother Tries To Sell Her Grandson To Raise Money For An Operation To Save The Life Of Her Own Dying Son

57 years old Liu Xiaoying, tried to sell her eight-year-old grandson in a bid to raise enough money to pay for an operation for her dying son. 
The Chinese grandmother was forced to beg in the street after her family spent all of their money and borrowed thousands more Yuan to pay for medical fees after her 30-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia. 

The family had used up all of the 100,000 Yuan ($16,000) savings and had borrowed another 200,000 Yuan ($31,000) for the medical fees for her son Dusai. They reportedly still needed a further 300,000 Yuan for an operation which could save his life.

The man's mother and his wife however had already sold the family truck, mortgaged their home and borrowed everything they could from friends and other family members. Liu then started to beg on the street, kneeling beside the road in the city of Wuhan, in China's Hubei province, and asked passersby if they wanted to purchase her eight-year-old grandson.

 The grandmother was questioned and told media when she was released:
 'Of course I felt ashamed but I would have sold him to a decent family if I'd had an offer, and with the money I got I would have tried to save my own son.'

Police have told her she risks having the boy taken away if she tries to sell him again. Local media however have reported that several local businessman have been moved by the family's plight and are considering providing the money to save Dusai.
A police spokesman said: 'The man who is sick did not know his mother had taken his only son in a bid to sell him.' 

Selling her grandson was really a wrong move...So unspeakable!

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