Wednesday, April 9, 2014

End Of Era To All Computers Using Windows XP And Office 2003

In case you about buying a computer or laptop using window Xp or office 2003 now you need to read this because Microsoft will no longer issue security updates to the trusty old operating system, meaning that the millions of computers that still run XP will be more vulnerable than ever to the vagaries of Internet hackers and their online scourges....keep reading

Microsoft pulled the plug on the popular PC operating system yesterday raising fears of a so-called “XPocalypse” of bugs, viruses and malware among the millions who still rely on the aging software. So this means Microsoft will no longer offer any technical support to users of Windows XP and Office 2003 — be it home users or professional and business and government sectors.

There have been several critical updates released to fix the old problems, but they still keep on recurring. This is why Microsoft is no longer offering the updates for free. This means that whatever security settings are stored in the computer will stay that way forever.

Also, since new software and hardware manufacturers will only be developing solutions for new versions of Windows, this means a lot of software and hardware devices will not work on computers running XP. Hackers around the world know that Microsoft will no longer fix security issues in Windows XP, therefore they will be working hard to find flaws and then attack the machines.

Advice for home users is to upgrade to latest version of Windows to remain secure and benefit from the updates Microsoft support. Advice for business and government sector is to either upgrade or consult Microsoft directly on a deal to keep their operating system running Windows XP secure until they upgrade to newer versions.
 Microsoft released newer versions of Windows after Windows XP, that is Windows Vista in 2006, and then Windows 7 in 2009 and now Windows 8 in 2012 and now Windows 8.1 in 2013.

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