Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nigerian Man Caught With Cocaine In Thailand

Thailand Police in Phuket arrested Mr Ibenuba Henry Onyinyechukwu for selling drugs. The arrested which was made after the police used people to capture their suspect.
According to the Source, the Thai police arrested a Thai woman Somkid ‘Waew’ Kwanngern(on information) who was in possession of 1.2g of cocaine. Ms Waew led police to her friend,a British national Curtis Martin Taylor, 32, at his apartment on 50 Pi Road.
The police on searching Martin found one gram of marijuana in his pocket. After much questioning, Martin told them about Ibenuba Henry Onyinyechukwu. Officers then set up a sting operation involving Ms Somkid to arrest Mr Onyinyechukwu.

Ms Waew then called Mr Onyinyechukwu to bring 5.45g worth of cocaine, then they arranged to meet and make the exchange at Mr Martin’s place KK apartment.
Mr Onyinyechukwu
Mr Onyinyechukwu soon arrived at the apartment with 5.45 grams of cocaine. The two exchanged the drugs and the money, which were fake banknotes provided by police. Then she signal the police who came in and arrested Mr Onyinyechukwu and charged him with possession of a Category 2 drug with intent to sell.

Ms Somkid was also charged with possession of a Category 2 drug and Mr Martin was charged with possession of a Category 5 drug. 
Mr Martin

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