Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Another Bugular Caught On Camera In Rihanna’s $12 million Mansion

While Rihanna was far away in Australia this week some intruders were busy trying to take advantage of her absence by sneaking into her mansion's backyard.

The intruders threw a chair through a sliding glass door, when the alarm went off, scaring off the attempted robbers who fled the scene immediately without stepping into her home’s interior.
Good thing the house  mansion's cameras were on point to capture the faces of the robbers. The police are still trying to identify these intruders. This is the third time this kind of incidence is happening to Rihanna. First incidence was in Febuary when a staker tried breaking into her house. In June, a man creeped his way across her roof, and was caught by her security.
Too many haters :(
Take a look at her mansion!

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