Thursday, March 13, 2014

10 Mistakes Men Make On Their First Date

First impressions can make or break you. Yes, some people get second chances, but your first date will leave an indelible mark on her. Women always notice the little details, and when it comes to first dates, most men don't know when they're messing up. Remember, the first date with a woman is crucial,
That's why you should try your hardest not to make these obvious mistakes.

1. Talking a lot and not listening enough 
 Those who’ve dealt with women long enough know by now that women love to talk. They are all about giving details on everything and while they are at it, they expect men to listen or at least act like they are. Women hate being on the receiving end of a conversation so if during a first date the man is doing most of the talking, it will put them off. On a first date, a woman looks for a guy who listens because this to them is an indication that this will be a guy who will listen and pay attention to her in case they happen to have a relationship.

2: Dont Interrogate her
A woman wants a guy that shows genuine interest but not to an extent where it is bothering. If it reaches a point where she feels that a guy is interrogating her because he is asking a string of personal questions then she will pull away because she feels uncomfortable. There is a thin line between being interested and being outright creepy and it takes a smart guy to realize that women like to be taken slowly so that they can feel that the relationship is growing and that the guy is actually enjoying learning new things about her.

 3: Don’t be too intimate on a first date 
During the first date, the level of closeness should be to a certain extent. Women love to feel like they are being respected and will appreciate a guy who is warm, polite and respectful. Don’t be all over her on the first date because this is just a complete turn off.

 4: Being Unmannered/crude/ insensitive 
You have heard women talk about how they are looking for a gentleman? well, on the first date, you should act like one. Am not talking about the ‘bow before she sits’ kind of gentleman because that is not even African but it doesn’t hurt to avoid Rude jokes, excessive teasing, too much sexual talk, bad table manners or other acts that don’t depict you as one.

5: Don’t Talk about future goals or one’s personal philosophy. 
A first date should be easy and light and this is to mean that you should avoid talking about heavy matters. Don’t talk in future tense assuming that there will be a second date and a relationship because this is not up to you alone to decide. Being too intense is not advisable because this might just overwhelm the lady.

6:Don’t try too hard 
Women want a man who appears confident with himself. A man who is trying too hard to impress her will not interest her because she will assume that he is not confident.

7: Don’t reveal too much 
Do not reveal so much personal information on the first date. You might assume that sharing intimate details of your personal life with a stranger will create a connection but this is far from the truth. You might end up pushing her away with all that because it is not only burdening but also unnecessary.

 8: Don’t talk about your Ex
 Talking about your ex is a no-no on the first date. She knows that you had a girlfriend and a life before her and that’s all that she should know on the first date.Don’t bring your ex up on the first date because she will only take it that you haven’t really moved on from your past relationship.

 9: Don’t Force a connection 
One thing men should understand is that if a connection is meant to happen, it will happen without them pushing it. Rather than forcing chemistry, they should instead focus on being kind, courteous and attentive and let things happen the natural way.

10: Don't look cheap 
This is a very tricky point because as much as you are not expected to look cheap on a first date, being too flashy might also send out the wrong message. Be simple and carry yourself like a man who knows what he is doing. Go the old-fashioned way, pay the bills and have a great time but don’t floss or talk money matters on the first date. A first date is the first step to creating a relationship and the first date is what determines whether anything will grow between two people.

Avoid these ten mistakes and slaying your first date will definitely lead to a relationship that is genuine, lasting and fulfilling to both of you.

1 comment :

Agbo's Blog said...

supported-- tru talk jare